Insight Sharing

For fifteen years, we’ve engaged the public sector, academic institutions and more than 150 companies in cross-disciplinary collaborations and knowledge-sharing. We are happy to share our insights on the experience.

Study visits

Since the opening 2012, our community-based place for work has been the home for 80 of our member companies and has been a meeting place for the city's professional life. During a Study Visit get a physical tour of the place and learn about how we work in symbiosis with the community to create a vibrant and relevant environment. We customise the set-up of each tour for it to fit your needs. Contact Pernilla to book a visit.

Lectures about the Community and Our Place

Media Evolution’s 15 years in existence has proven that our pioneering way of organising a professional community works and is well set up for supporting the changing needs companies are facing. We are eager to share who our organisation is built, what the pitfalls has been and what our perspective of the future of community building and business clusters are.

Contact our Project Manager Pernilla to learn more.

What makes people thrive at work? How do you establish trust and a generous sharing is caring culture, even among competitors? Based on the insights from running a communuty-based place for work for over ten years we are offering a lecture on building, designing and running a coworking space. In the lecture we are building on the thesis presented in our book Work is a Four-Letter Word on what mindsets and tools to use when designing vibrant spaces for meetings and work.

Contact our Business Developer Alexander to learn more.

Lecture Foresight Method

How do you work proactively with the future? How does your team, organisation or community share, reflect and engage with the changes around you, those you wish to work towards and those still unknown to you? Based on our work in Collaborative Foresight strengthening the foresight capacity of professionals from over 100 different organisations, we offer both introductory lectures on foresight and collective futures making and hands-on workshops to learn and apply foresight methods.

Contact our Foresight Facilitator Reeta to learn more.

Lecture Foresight Insights

Since 2011 we have been curating the international gathering The Conference, and since some years back we run Collaborative Foresights cycles. Both of which yield a plethora of signals and trends for possible futures. We are happy to come to you and present to you the insights we’re gaining on topics ranging from Us and Technology to changes in Human Behaviour.

Contact our COO and Program Director Martin to learn more.

Media Evolution’s Annual Meeting

On May 31, it’s time to have the annual meeting for the Media Evolution non-profit.

WHAT: Media Evolution’s association’s meeting WHEN: May 31, 12pm-4pm WHERE: Media Evolution, Stora Varvsgatan 6a Register here.

AGENDA At this year’s association’s meeting, we will consider and take note of the following:

  1. Establish the voters’ roll for the meeting.
  2. Ask whether or not the meeting at hand has been announced properly.
  3. Establish today’s agenda.
  4. Decide on a chairman and a secretary for the meeting.
  5. Decide on an adjustor for the meeting.
  6. The board’s annual report from the past year of activity.
  7. The board’s administration report from the past financial year.
  8. The accountants’ report on the board’s direction during the past year of activity and the past financial year, as well as the civil accountant’s audit.
  9. Consider the freedom from liability for the board during the audit’s time frame.
  10. Decide on board members for the time leading up to the next association’s meeting. a) Decide on board members from the corporate sector b) Decide on board members from the public sector c) Decide on board members from the academia
  11. Decide on one or two certified accountants, as well as a civil accountant.
  12. Establish the yearly costs for members.
  13. Consider the board’s proposal (based on the sent in suggestions and requests)
  14. Other matters
  15. Close the meeting

BY-LAWS Read our current by-laws here: – Statutes for the Media Evolution Southern Sweden non-profit association