Within the project The Futures We Build, four interdisciplinary teams – Rehearsals, Beyond Blueprints, Now is the new tomorrow and Waves – were invited to create visions portraying futures in which the built environment sector has met its shared sustainability goals set in Agenda 2030 and the impact goals by the strategic innovation programme Smart Built Environment.
Speakers: Michael Strömgren, Smart Built Environment; Gustav Magnusson, Now is the New Tomorrow; Mirja Wande, Waves; Vanessa Ware, Beyond Blueprints; Love Di Marco, Rehearsals; Finn Williams, Malmö Stad; Anders Persson, Innovationsföretagen. Moderator: Reeta Hafner, Foresight Lead, Media Evolution.
The lecture was organised by Media Evolution as part of The Futures We Build. The project is a strategic project within Smart Built Environment, one of Sweden’s 17 Strategic Innovation Programs, with funding from Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency), The Swedish Energy Agency and Formas (Swedish government research council for sustainable development). It is run by Media Evolution in collaboration with the Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies.