To imagine a world where work needs to have a purpose and take care of our ecosystems, the inspiration has come from signals. These include how most millennials would take a pay cut to work at a environmentally responsible company; president Biden’s proposal for a Civilian Climate Corps that would employ thousands of young people to address climate change, strengthen natural defences and maintain public lands; and the call for a planetary consciousness to create solidarity and rights beyond nation states. The book seeks to inspire new imaginations beyond the dystopian-utopian binary when it comes to climate change.
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- 73 pages
- Published by: Media Evolution
- Editors: Martin Thörnkvist, Reeta Hafner, Rebecka Nilsson
- Copy Editor: Rowan Drury
- Artist and Photography: Mariella Ottosson
- Graphic Concept: HolsterGreen Studio
- Layout: Linnea Paulsson Neppelberg
- Paper: Munken Polar
- Printing: Taberg Media Group
- ISBN: 978-91-987389-2-6
- Published: November 2022
- Paolo Cardini
- Jenny Grettve
- Reeta Hafner
- Mariella Ottosson
- Guy Standing
- Julian Araneta
- Lisa Bydler
- Laura Dietz
- Sandeep Gill
- Martina Gobec
- Layla Husain
- Jennifer Moss
- Johan Mårtensson
- Karmen Saare
- Jennifer Tong
- Susanne Taylor
- Kristina Törnblom
- Nina Wang