
Life in a Professional Neighborhood – Seminar

Cities and Habitats
Videos capturing the three presentations at the seminar Life in a Professional Neighborhood – on how to develop spaces for everyday work life, and the life between office buildings.

The three speakers discussed what needs does the built environment in a business area need address to heighten the life for both the people working, living and passing through it, and how we create professional neighborhoods that a broad array of people and industries feel invited to participate in.

The seminar addressed business districts in general, and the neighborhood stretching from Malmö Central Station to Dockan in particular by looking into challenges and conditions for the professional neighborhoods (formerly known as the office desserts) to blossom.

Ulrika Forsgren Högman

Ulrika (Head of Innovation and Development, Business and External Relations, the City of Malmö) shared research on Malmö's business landscape and introduces the ambitions of the coming Generate Distric.

Ulrika Forsgren Högman
Ulrika Forsgren Högman

Peter Bur Andersen

Peter Bur Andersen (Creative Director at Briq) shared insights on how to get people engage and active in a neighborhood based on experiences from his work in Copenhagen.

Peter Bur Andersen
Peter Bur Andersen

Györgyi Gálik

Györgyi Gálik (City Transitions Co-lead at Dark Matter Labs) shared insights on how to make people feel included and engaged in a neighborhoods development.

Györgyi Gálik
Györgyi Gálik


The seminar was organised by Media Evolution and Wihlborgs as a side event to The Conference 2024.

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September 2024

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