To strengthen innovation, foresight and business relationships between companies in Malmö and Copenhagen and to further deepen competence development and knowledge transfer from academia to businesses, Media Evolution and BLOXHUB is opening its doors to their respective communities.
People working in members organisations of Media Evolution and BLOXHUB are granted access to work from their respective workspaces making it possible for them to always have a work home on both sides of the sound. BLOXHUB is located in the iconic BLOX building in the heart of Copenhagen.
How it works
Both organisations offer a wide public program that is free to participate in for the respective organisation's members. It ranges from workshops, to seminars and social gatherings on topics like circular economy, urban development, regenerative business models, artificial intelligence and systems understanding.
Through this partnership, the two organisations will provide companies on both sides of the Øresund with access to co-working facilities as an office away from home. They also have opportunities to engage in debates and roundtables, participate in relevant international delegation visits, and contribute to Collaborative Foresight initiatives on topics such as wise cities and the digital service layers of urban habitats.