Futures of Behavior Design for Well-being

In our next collaborative foresight process cycle, we’ll gather a diverse group from across the behavior design ecosystem to explore what’s next in changing human behaviors— individually and at scale, focusing on the sustainability, mobility, and health sectors.

As with every foresight cycle, we’ll use the future as both a place and a medium for making sense of (and acting on) the complex technologies and systems that mold society and culture today.

Peering through the lens of behavior change, we’ll explore a spectrum of tomorrows in the sustainability, mobility and well-being spaces, drawing on an array of expertise and experiences. As we collectively imagine what-could-be across disciplines and sectors, we’ll uncover the relationships, skills, and strategies our society needs now to shift and sustain individual and system behaviors for a flourishing tomorrow.

Who can Collaborate: We invite interested and creative minds of all levels of experience to join us for this Collaborative Foresight cycle. No one is an expert in the future, but we’re particularly interested in collaborators with knowledge in the health, well-being, mobility and sustainability sectors. You could be a UX researcher, an interaction designer, a health practitioner, a systems engineer, an urban planner, an activist, a psychologist, a communications professional…to design for the wide open space of the future, we’ll need many perspectives.

How we Share: We share the insights and ideas from Collaborative Foresight cycles with our global community in a final seminar and a final book. We’ll summarize our core changemakers’ reflections and perspectives, and invite the community to continue to discourse in our next cycles, and to carry on the conversation at our annual gathering, The Conference.

How to Collaborate:

  • Community collaborator: Join our public workshops to contribute to compact explorations of behavior change across sectors, as viewed through the lens of the future. As a community collaborator, you’ll gain new perspectives on the urgencies of the present and help scan for signals and trends. You can continue on your futures-thinking journey by coming to our contributing expert seminars, following along online, and wrapping up this cycle at a final book launch event. Bookmark this page and stay tuned for event updates.

  • Contributing expert: Each cycle, we ask folks with a particular experience or expertise on the topic at hand to share their perspective in public seminars. If you’ve got new or inspiring approaches, tools, or work in shifting human behavior and would like to be part of the dialogue on the future of behavior design, please get in touch!

  • Core changemaker: Dive deeply into the topic as a member of a core group of changemakers. We’re looking for 15-20 individuals already doing behavior change work in your organizations or in your communities. You’ll get four days of immersive futures-thinking workshops guided by our Collaborative Foresight facilitators. Together, you’ll tap into trends and signals, build scenarios, envision preferable futures, challenge assumptions, explore emerging worlds where healthy habits in sustainability, mobility and health take center stage. You’ll gain the confidence, skills and a supportive network to bring futures-thinking and strategic foresight into your own practice.