Cities and Habitats
11 am — 5 pm
Cities and Habitats
11 am — 5 pm
How will the built environment look when the goals set in Agenda 2030 are realised? How might the sector shaping our built environment function and be organised? What futures are we working towards together and what steps do we need to take along the way?
The Futures We Build initiative was created to respond to the need for shared visions of that which we are in the process of becoming, through our shared commitment and efforts towards sustainability.
Four interdisciplinary teams – Rehearsals, Beyond Blueprints, Now is the new tomorrow and Waves – were invited to create visions portraying futures in which the built environment sector has met its shared sustainability goals set in Agenda 2030 and the impact goals by the strategic innovation programme Smart Built Environment.
Their visions are exhibited at Form/Design Center in Malmö from Jan 31–March 16.
The seminar was held at Form/Design Center in Malmö during the vernissage of the exhibition "Visions of the Futures We Build".
Speakers: Michael Strömgren, Smart Built Environment; Gustav Magnusson, Now is the New Tomorrow; Mirja Wande, Waves; Vanessa Ware, Beyond Blueprints; Love Di Marco, Rehearsals; Finn Williams, Malmö Stad; Anders Persson, Innovationsföretagen. Moderator: Reeta Hafner, Foresight Lead, Media Evolution.
Love Di Marco (architect), Margarida Waco (architect and researcher), Natalie Hase (architect), Jelena Mijanovic (manager circular economy, building sector), Tobias Hentzer Dausgaard (architect and industrial Ph.D. fellow) and Peter Ström (graphic/web designer).
Mirja Wande (architect), Gustav Svanborg Eden (project leader, Malmö Stad), Marthijn Pool (architect / co-founder of Space&Matter), Michael Palmgren (Marine Education Center Malmö), Marcus Leyman (software engineer and systems architect), Anna Eklund (landscape architect), Michal Kaperski and Jacek Baczkowski (architects, Drip Visual).
Now is the New Tomorrow
Teres Arvidsson (process leader), Gustav Magnusson (urban planner), Johan Pitura (circular architect), and Erik Larsen (circular structural engineer). They will be backed by experts such as Frida Hylander (climate psychologist), and Lia Ghilardi (cultural planner and creative strategist).
Beyond Blueprints
Vanessa Ware (innovation and process leader, Ware Labs) Malin Lampa (innovation and digitalisation leader in the built environment sector, TechSeed), Maria Lindelöf (sustainability strategist & process leader within sustainable urban development, Enköping kommun), Bobo Baudin (strategist soft digital infrastructure, SKR), Katrin Behdjou Arshi (urban development director, Fastighetsägarna Stockholm), Karin Victorin (artist & producer, Wild Ride).
The exhibition is a part of The Futures We Build, a strategic project within Smart Built Environment, one of Sweden’s 17 Strategic Innovation Programs, with funding from Vinnova (Sweden’s innovation agency), The Swedish Energy Agency and Formas (Swedish government research council for sustainable development). It is run by Media Evolution in collaboration with the Federation of Swedish Innovation Companies.