This book is a result of Media Evolution’s [Collaborative Foresight]( details/collaborative-foresight) process, in which experts from member organisations come together with the broader community to dive deeply into a topic over four months and imagine possible, desirable and alternative futures of that topic.
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Core contributors across a range of disciplines scan for (and make sense of) trends and signals shaping the current social, technological, environmental, economic and political landscape. Using a combination of foresight methodologies and tools, they co-create detailed scenarios to surface changes that can be made today to help create a more flourishing tomorrow.
“How might gathering and bonding around a ’social bonfire’ look, feel and sound like in 2050?”
We invite you into these futures to walk in the characters’ shoes, see these worlds through their eyes and hear it through their ears. You might discover answers to the questions above, or to questions you have or those you‘ve never thought to ask about belonging, music, place, senses, and connection. You might see the present in a new light, or perhaps hear something in your surroundings that you’ve never paid attention to before. And you might discover things in your present that you wish to foster and care for now, and find pathways towards futures where the diversity, authenticity, and transformative power of sound and song are used to shape our collective human experiences.
- 78 pages
- Publisher: Media Evolution
- Editors: Hildreth England, Martin Thörnkvist, Reeta Hafner
- Illustrations: My Comét
- Graphic Concept: HolsterGreen Studio
- Layout: Linnea Paulsson Neppelberg
- ISBN: 978-91-987389-7-1
- Published: April 2024
- Marie Højlund
- Paul Graham Raven
- Liselott Stenfeldt
- Nicholas B. Torretta
Core Contributers:
- Aleksandar Predragovic
- Anders Reuter
- Andreas Önnerfors
- Charles Windlin
- Christian Boysen
- Danina Mahmutovic
- Etienne Bourganel
- Jakob Skote
- Jesper Larsson
- Jon Högman
- Kajsa Westman
- Krister Bladh
- Laura Amos
- Liza Shkirando
- Nicholas B. Torretta
- Sorgun Akkor
- Tugba Okcuoglu
- Viktor Fröjd