9 am — 11 am
9 am — 11 am
In collaboration with Region Skåne, we invite you to take part in a "fireside-chat" style workshop with leading experts in organisational development and lifelong learning about building out organisations' competence and capacity to thrive in our futures. The discussions will address what strategies and structures do organisations need now to identify and develop their teams’ competencies and skills for the futures of their work.
Expect an interactive discussion focused on the signals, trends, and research behind learning and development, and a long-look into the futures of organisational learning and development as envisioned by actors in the regional innovation ecosystem.
How do companies anticipate future skills and Learning and Development goal, as a result of digitalisation, emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, and novel forms of human–machine collaborations?
What strategies and structures do organisations currently have—or are building—to anticipate, adapt to and proactively shape their employees’ overall competence (and enhance competencies) for the future of their industry?
What do organisations need to up-skill employees across a range of departments, and across technical, interpersonal, relational and sustainability skills categories?
This workshop is part of an exploration into the Futures of Competence Development and Professional Learning, and will share initial findings from a pre-study looking into regional business needs for anticipating future skills and creating mature structures and strategies that develop current and future employees.
Andie Nordgren, VP Release & Engineering Services at Unity Technologies
Junyi Sun, Learning Developer at IKEA
Hildreth England and Reeta Hafner, Media Evolution
Coffee at 8.30 am, workshop at 9 am.