9 am — 11.30 am
9 am — 11.30 am
During this 2,5-hour open community workshop, we'll identify and discuss trends shaping the future of competence development and professional learning as well as explore signals of change that might indicate changes in the way organisations meet their teams’ competence and learning needs in the future.
This is an open workshop for anyone interested and invested in the topic and its futures to join. We seek to bring together folks with a wide range of professional, educational and lived-experiences – from HR, learning and development, people and culture professionals, to technologists, teachers, researchers, psychologists, communicators, designers, students, artists and other.
In this workshop, you’ll practice working with trends and learn to search for and recognise signals of change that challenge ongoing developments and point towards alternative and previously unexplored futures – core tenets of strategic foresight.
Participation is free of charge but seats are limited, so sign up in advance! The workshop will be held in English.
Facilitators: Reeta Hafner and Hildreth England, Media Evolution.
Coffee and tea will be served at 8:30.
We’ll start promptly at 9:00 and end at 11:30.
This workshop is part of Media Evolution's Collaborative Foresight cycle on The Futures of Competence Development and Professional Learning organised in collaboration with Region of Skåne. The insights emerged during this Collaborative Foresight cycle will be captured in a pre-study for an upcoming competence development project and be shared back to contributors and the business community in Southern Sweden at large.